⸻ Students integral formation ⸻
Educational project
The educational project of Lizarra Ikastola considers the person as the main target of all the educational activity. Thus, the teaching is focused on students’ integral formation and on their exit-profile.
Students exit-profile
Pedagogical commitment and aim
The continuous formation of the workers in Lizarra Ikastola, as well as the incorporation of new educational tendencies and new technological resources determine the methodology pursued by the school.
The principal objective of the pedagogy in Lizarra Ikastola is to boost the development of cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, affective and social capacities, which contribute to the formation of people able to be inserted in an all-time changing society. In this process, three types of intelligence are used: vertical intelligence, based on logical, verbal and motor reasoning; emotional intelligence, which gives priority to feelings, values and behaviours; and lastly, lateral intelligence, the one which tries to promote creativity.
The essential tools to carry out those objectives are based on a plan for coexistence and attention to diversity.